Cinema program "The Maze Runner" in Trójmiasto
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"The Maze Runner"
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Runtime: 113 min.
Production: USA , 2014
Category: action / mystery / sci-fi
Release Date: 19 September 2014
Distribution: Imperial Cinepix
Directed by: Wes Ball
Cast: Dylan O'Brien, Kaya Scodelario, Thomas Brodie-Sangster
Thomas wakes up in an elevator that is slowly going up. When he finally stops and open the hatch, he learns that went to Gaza inhabited by Streferów. It's a huge fenced clearing high, concrete wall. The boy does not remember anything - who he is, where he comes from, how he got there. He does not know who his parents are and what his name is.
Nobody knows how he arrived to Gaza. Every morning, the walls of the wall is spreading apart, opening the labyrinth, which closes at sunset. Every month the Gaza comes a new boyfriend. The appearance of Thomas is not surprising, but when a week later the elevator overlooks Teresa, things get complicated. This is the first girl who was in the Zone.
Each Strefer has a role - is responsible for planting, construction or a scout, trying to determine the construction of the Labyrinth, which changes every night. Scouts are fighting against time and overcome the longest route until it gets dark, the walls will close, and Bóldożercy come out from their hiding places.
Although Thomas is "świeżuchem" Labyrinth and Gaza seem suspiciously familiar to him. In his mind lies the key to solving the mystery of the mysterious place.
The film is an adaptation of the bestseller by James Dashner. The book was published in 2009 and hit the top of the bestseller list "New York Times". Reviewers compare it to the "Lord of the Flies", "The Hunger Games" and the cult TV series "Lost." The author stresses that, despite the similarities, the story is different: "The heroes of those books have a different nature than mine. I wrote a novel adventure, the message is hope and the strength of the human spirit. "

Movie trailer: The Maze Runner
Your comments
popieram przedmówcę film zawiera mase błędów logicznych, a najwiekszym z nich jest fakt trzym nia przez 3 lata nastolatków tak aby rzekomo wyselekcjonować najlepszych.... rozumowanie na poziomie dziecka..... porażka...
Film słaby. Grany przez nastolatków. Miks pomysłów z wielu innych filmów. Sam labiryt, może tylko na początku wydaje się interesujący, później już nie jest. Zadziwiające, że nikt się nie wspinał na te mury porośnięte pnączami? Zadziwiajace, że aby się schować przed pająkiem wystarczyło wejść za krzaki. A na koniec, zadziwiające, że z perspektywy helikoptera ten lapirynt wcale nie był taki duzy. I dlaczego WSZYSCY biegali w środku? Jeżeli był otwarty cały dzień, to jest ponad 12 godzin. Za 12 godzin piechór idący 5 km /h przechodzi 60 km !!!